Following the needs of the coffee crop, we follow a management program based on the chronological stages of the crop.
After harvesting, the plant management starts and ends at the next harvest, giving way to an uninterrupted cycle that seeks to give the crop the right conditions for its production in harmony with the environment.
A practice we pride ourselves of is the reseeding of new plants throughout the year in order to rejuvenate the farm and keep up production in the coming years.
For the betterment of the environment of the coffee plant, we trim and manage shade trees and plants as well as using different pruning methods depending on the coffee trees in order to insure optimal state for the following year’s harvest. We also use natural barriers like Flor de Izote in order to prevent erosion through the land.
K-FE Farms Practices 1
Soil management and conservation is also extremely important in creating the right environment. We perform routine soil tests in order to manage its PH levels, apply proper fertilizer proportionate to nutrients needed and disperse organic matter in order to propagate the living organisms in our soil. All fertilizing is done based on recurrent soil and leaf studies in order to tailor to the exact needs the tree and soil depending on their location in the farm.
K-FE Farms Practices 2
We have both preventive and reactive approaches when it comes to pests and disease such as Broca and Roya to minimize the occurrence of these focal events as well as maximize plant wellbeing and production.
In order not to harm the microbial life in our soil, we engage in manual trimming when it comes to weeds management. This prevents the life in the soil to be damaged and allows the trimmed wee to become organic matter to decompose into the soil. Only in extreme cases do we chemically remove parasitic weeds from the soil.
Our coffee is collected by hand meticulously in several rounds in order to assure peak maturity. It is an arduous task but, that allows us to achieve the optimum maturity that characterizes us and differentiates us from the other coffee farms.
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